The Most Effective Thing to Outsource for Photographers

I think it's obvious we are a fan of outsourcing over here at The Focus Co. I mean, no duh, right?! BUT believe me when I say it wasn't always this way. Before I tell you the most effective thing to outsource for photographers (in our opinion), I need you to know it was not always this way. 

Years ago, I was a photographer and I was sure I could do everything myself. In fact, I was the QUEEN of NOT outsourcing. I worked my ass off, and spun in circles, trying to make it all happen. And, if I could go back to that busy, tired girl and tell her one thing: it would be to outsource her blogs

I know, I KNOW, that doesn't seem like the most important thing when you're running a growing business. But on every discovery call I have now, we talk about why blogs are so powerful, and I want to share it here too.

Here's why I think blogs are the most effective thing to outsource for photographers:

  1. A truly SEO-optimized blog will continue to push your website in front of Google. When you optimize your whole site and get everything set up, that is a GREAT foundation. But if you aren't feeding that SEO monster, it's going to go stale. Google wants CURRENT content. Weekly optimized blogging is really effective. (Reversely, non-optimized blogging isn't going to do very much. I don't recommend just throwing up images and a few sentences, because it's not a good use of time). 

  2. Your warmest clients are going to be looking at your blog, and this is where you show off your favorite work. I got a DM the other day while I was working - a client messaging me to tell me she just booked her DREAM destination wedding in Jamaica, all expenses paid on top of her normal high package. The bride said that looking over the blog is what made her decide for sure. That is what you want for your warmest clients. They get to know you & the scope of your work in blogs because it's longer form content. It works as a really great "deep dive" after your Instagram content shows off the highlights.

  3. It's a powerful educational tool. You want resources to send inquiries who have questions? Or a resource you can include in your client process? Use your blog to be a wealth of information. You are an expert in your field, so you need to show that. Our clients regularly link back to blog posts within their email automations or to explain things to clients. It's invaluable to have a library of information that is all attached to your brand to refer to. 

When you outsource blogs, you're hitting on all three of these important topics.

There will come a time when you want to outsource more, but if I can tell you the #1 most effective thing to outsource - it's gonna be blogs. 

Also, BONUS: when you outsource to The Focus Co, we do 20 pins per blog post (that's 80 a month, my friend) - so you're ALSO getting a fourth benefit by expanding your Pinterest reach. We are allllll about getting two birds with one stone.


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