The #1 Overlooked Aspect of Business | VA for Photographers

Are you ready for some real talk today? I know I am. Let's sit down, pretend we've got cocktails in hand, and gossip about photography together, shall we?? I wanna talk about the #1 overlooked aspect of business I see. Lean in, I'm gonna share: 

When you forget to focus on how you make your client FEEL leading up to your session, you're missing the plot. 

Let's talk about it! 

I see a lot of photographers trying to check boxes for their marketing plan, their automations or client experiences. We buy guides, see what others are doing, and try to replicate it with our own special flavor. BUT, it's going to feel stale to your client, if you aren't centering how they *feel*

Before you dive into any sort of automation, marketing, or client experience... let's pause and dive into the root of things.

Reverse engineer it, if you will. 

Here's the question you need to ask before you build anything: How Do I Want My Client to FEEL During This Process? 

Whatever process you are creating, that is the #1 overlooked aspect of business for photographers. 

The photographers we work with who are THRIVING, having 10-30 inquiries in their inboxes a week, and raving fans online... are centering their clients' feelings across the board. 

Maybe you want them to feel excited, cared for, empowered, relaxed, have a reduced mental load, fun, romantic, wild... whatever it is. Start there. 

When you write emails or captions, when you design a guide, when you build out touch points in your automations, think about curating that feeling for them. 

And see how things change! You write differently, and you interact differently. You're not trying to check boxes - you're connecting. 


As we make our way towards busy season this year, take this invitation to evaluate the things you have built for potential and current clients, and ask yourself how you want them to FEEL.


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