Instagram Hack for Photographers | Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, we see soooo many of you struggle with social media (I mean, we get it). So I wanna offer an Instagram hack for photographers that we have seen be really effective. 

Before I dive into the nitty gritty, let me first say that our goal is always to reduce your mental load while still making you $$$. So when looking at IG (and any social media), I'm always going to approach it from a pragmatic standpoint of how we can accomplish those two goals at once. 

If you absolutely love social media and love learning the algorithm - I absolutely LOVE that for you, and want you to keep rolling with what you're doing. 

But the vast majority of photographers we talk with, do not enjoy content creation, and end up shutting down & not posting. Which is leaving $$ on the table - we don't want that for you! 

So here is a simple mindset shift for you when it comes to social media. Your very own Instagram hack for photographers, from your fav virtual assistant ;) 

Consider this your invitation to throw out all the pressure around "creating content" and let yourself exist/take up space - as you are. A photographer.

Here's the Instagram hack: anytime you are working, just show it. 

Editing? Make a time-lapse and post to your stories or make a reel with text layover. 

Shooting? Film 15 seconds of BTS and make a reel. 

Driving to a session? Make a quick video talking to the camera once you arrive saying how excited you are to shoot. 

At the studio? Show yourself setting up every day, and make it a ritual with your followers.

Literally just take whatever you are doing when you are working and show it. It's just a peek into your world. Your potential (and current) clients WANT to see it.

BONUS TIP: if you wanna go the extra mile, pick 2-3 connection points you might have with an ideal client from your personal life and share those.

Like... local coffee! Anytime you go to a local coffee shop, you post and take a poll and invite them in. So they always associate local coffee shops with you. That makes it more personable! (Or your favorite books, artist, restaurants... literally anything fun and interesting (or super fucking basic) that you enjoy!) 

Just remember, you didn't sign up to be a content creator and because you're a photographer - you don't have to be! You have a PLETHORA of content because of your images! You have a leg-up on most other people on social media. So use this Instagram hack for photographers, change up your mindset, and start having fun showing your job. 

You will come off as the expert in your field, and you will be more hirable because they will understand what they are signing up for because you're SHOWING THEM. That removes the barrier of the "unknown" from their purchase. Plus it always helps when they feel like they know you. They relax in front of the camera more easily. 

SO what are you waiting for!? Go take some videos today of you working and throw them up on the 'gram. 

And if you LOVE the IG game, but are ready to outsource things you don’t love let us help you! We have availability starting as soon as next month to help you grow the photography business of your dreams!


The #1 Overlooked Aspect of Business | VA for Photographers


Moving from Hustle to Ease | Virtual Assistant for Photographers