Moving from Hustle to Ease | Virtual Assistant for Photographers

Most of the people who inquire here at The Focus Co are photographers who are moving from hustle to ease in their business. You've worked your ass off building a thriving photography business and are living your best full-time-photographer-lifestyle. BUT, you are wanting to grow into the next phase of business (aka get to take naps and go on real vacations) but don't have any breathing room.

Enter: The Focus Co. 

We help you transition from working-around-the-clock to a steady, sustainable, momentum that will allow you to start the podcast, host the workshop, book dreamy shoots... but most importantly: clock out when you want to

Key Ways To Move From Hustle To Ease

First, you wanna identify the things you LOVE doing. What lights you the fuck up? 

What makes you lose track of time and feel productive and know you're crushing it? 

This will be so different for everyone. We have clients who absolutely love planning their Instagram and writing captions. And other people who want to manage their inbox. Others who love planning workshops & focusing on teaching. 

Whatever is your "power alley" (to borrow a cooperate term haha) - get clear on that and EMBRACE it.

Now, think of all the tasks that you dread doing. The ones that you put off, or avoid. The ones that feel like pulling teeth to get done.

The most common ones we see: 

  • SEO Optimized Blogging

  • Creating new automations in your CRM

  • Designing graphics for a launch

  • Updating guides

  • Organizing a messy inbox 

  • etc etc etc. 

Whatever it is, those are the things you're going to outsource. There are virtual assistants for photographers that will do alllllll of those tasks. Here at The Focus Co, we do pretty much anything (other than social media strategy because that's not our "power alley" lol) 

But find someone you trust, and allow them to step alongside you to alleviate those tasks. That will allow you to have the breathing room you need to move from hustle to ease.


Instagram Hack for Photographers | Virtual Assistant


Pinterest Board Inspo for Photographers | Virtual Assistant