Parenting + Owning A Small Business | Virtual Assistant for Photographers
If you’re reading this chances are you own a small business, or you are thinking of starting one, right?! Maybe you have kids, or maybe you want them someday?! And, let me guess, now you are wondering how to juggle parenting and owning a small business?!
I was there too, so trust me, you are not alone! My business was my first baby, my dream, my everything. I’ve always thought about having kids, and they’ve always been on my mind, so I started imagining myself doing both.
I took a risk on myself and i’m so glad I did
(photo by JC Jones Photography)
I used to think the balance was about finding the ppperrrfeccttt mixture of priorities.. the perfect schedule. The perfect support system. And if I could just ESTABLISH it, everything would run smoothly.
I have come to realize that balance as a parent + small business owner is about learning your priorities inside and out, and then learning how to pick which one gets the resources that day. You become very good at directing and calling the shots.
It's about learning your kid and their needs. Learning the limitations of your life. It's about having a backpacker full of modifications. So the days when everyone is sick and you still have to work, you aren't drowning.
But you know I'm a practical girlie at my core, so here are 6 tips to help you balance the world of parenting + owning a small business! Trust me, after a few years of juggling them both, these tips will set you up for success!
6 Tips To Balance Parenting + Owning a Small Business
Explore Your Community
If you spend the majority of your day inside, stuck to a phone or computer, getting out will do you wonders! I get to know parks, play places, and areas around me that can offer support. As a parent, it’s all about support! That doesn’t necessarily mean support in the form of a person, but support in any way! I know which playgrounds are fenced in, for days when I'm extra tired. I know which ones are more exciting for the kids when I have the energy to chase them. I know the library system and all the fun play places where they can get some wiggles out an dI can work. Get out of your traditional workspace, enjoy the community with your little ones, and find that support to carry you through the years!
Gym with Daycare
Where are all my gym girly pops?! Finding a gym with a daycare has been a GAME changer. I can workout, get that personal “me” time, anddddd get work done all while my kids are playing?! WIN WIN!! And the best part?! They LOVE it! But fair warning - make sure to get that extra Vitamin C in because those gyms are no joke LOL
Hiring Help
You are not meant to do it all!! We have someone come to our house once a month and deep clean every room. I cannot tell you how much that has helped us all!! I am working or parenting 24/7 and deep cleaning my house just gets put on the back burner. And when the mess piles up, so does the stress and anxiety. Hiring any kind of help is SUCH a good way to delegate the things that aren’t filling your cup and get it off your plate!
Setting Up My Spaces To Support Me
Set future you up for success!! I set up my car to have diapers, wipes, toys etc. in a caddy in the back. Everything and anything that I might need is handy and available. I have less to remember when I’m running out of the house with my hands full. My gym bag and Bogg Bag are fully stocked with the essentials so I am always ready to grab and go! It’s the little things that will make the BIGGEST difference!
Find A Hobby
Are you tired of hearing this?! LOL. I’m not talking about painting or pickle ball. I can get SO busy that all of that can be so unrealistic. I’m talking about doable hobbies! Hobbies that don’t add more to your already full plate! My hobbies are reading (usually Audible) and watching TikTok's about Taylor Swift. Those little things bring me joy and get me out of my head. Maybe that scrolling through Zillow, or catching up on Love Is Blind, or making slime with your little one. Easy things that don’t require more energy!
Prioritize Self-Care
I was the queen of self-care before I had kids. As someone with over a decade of health issues, I was always tending to what my body needed and specializing my diet... taking supplements... getting outside... moving my body... with parenting + small business ownership, I had a rude awakening that those things no longer naturally happened. They are a priority I have to shuffle into rotation. Be kind to yourself. Make sure to do some small self-care tasks every day and several larger impact ones during the week. For me, this is walking, swimming, reading, stretching, eating healthy, doing skincare, or meeting with friends. You deserve the moments for YOU.
Looking For Extra Support As A Parent + Small Business Owner?!
Whether you are a parent just looking for someone to chat about kid life with, or a photographer ready to outsource the tasks that are taking up your precious time, let’s chat! Prioritize your life as a parent + small business and focus on what is important to you! We believe in you, friend!