Normalize Rest In The Photography Industry | Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant for photographers, I have made it my personal mission to normalize rest in the photography industry

I spent too many years running in circles, burning myself out because I didn’t prioritize my rest. It’s still something I have to remind myself to do.

And do I still have a super busy schedule? YES. Absolutely!

I’m NOT saying that we just have this casual, laid-back vibe always. BUT what does need to become normal is taking breaks before you’re done. The house is still messy, the dishes aren’t done, you still want to write out an Instagram caption. But instead, you chose to sit down and scroll Tiktok for a while. Or go get a pedicure. Or grab happy hour with friends. 

It’s okay to normalize rest in the photography industry.

So often my clients will tell me they are doing ‘something’ wrong when they’re working all the time, and can’t seem to finish that to-do list.. When in reality, no one is out here working the perfect schedule or having the perfect work-life balance. 

In my experience, prioritizing rest just means juggling it through the rotation of what gets priority that week. That is the joy of having a business that revolves around your life. 

You get to decide what works best for you. You get to make the decisions.

So, if you’re a photographer, who thinks she’s messing up because she sometimes just ignores the world and tunes out her business, as she’s trying to grow: 

You’re normal.

Taking breaks is normal

No guilt or shame or anything like that is needed, okay? 

You are doing an incredible job. 💫

Just thought you should know that!


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