Balancing Kids as a Photographer | Virtual Assistant

When i first decided it was time to start our family, my biggest question was: balancing kids as a photographer… how?! I was shooting full time at that point, and knew I didn’t want to give up my business. So I dove into parenting books and followed other photogs who were parents & tried to learn everything I could before jumping in with two feet. 

But of course the biggest lesson is life itself, and nothing can prepare you for parenting + entrepreneurship because every kid is different. Every business owner is different. Every situation is different .

One thing I do know is you can do it. I now have a 4 year old and 1 year old, and life has never been better.

If I went back in time and give myself some advice about balancing kids as a photographer, it would be this: 

Your priorities get really clear

You realize what matters what and what doesn't. You figure out what's REALLY important to you, and make time for that. It's okay if what your prioirtizied before doesn't make that list. Build a new list, and make time for what you need to!

You get good at figuring what things are important each day, it’s like a language you learn to speak.

School? Meals? Editing? Groceries? Naps? Literally anything to keep your little ones safe, healthy, and happy, and keep you and your business running. Don't forget to add yourself to the important list!

You probably are gonna fuck up a little bit, but you’ll find your footing. 

Things won't always be sunshine and rainbows, and that's okay! Every day is a new day to figure it out again. Don't be so hard on yourself. I promise, you are doing a GREAT JOB. And those babies of yours are LUCKY to have you! Be patient with yourself, and give yourself grace!

Outsourcing is everything 

Hire a nanny to help you when you need it, find the best daycare for your little ones, or hire cleaners to help keep things tidy. Outsource what HELPS YOU! Hire a virtual assistant to anwer your emails so you can spend more time with your little ones, or finally take that time off you so deserve! 

Make your life as easy as possible

Don't be afraid to ask for help and set yourself up for success. Have a bag packed ready to go for those quick outings, set up automations in your business, and enjoy every moment of very day. Control what oyu can and let go of what you can't!

It’s okay if things are perfect, you’re looking for forward motion, not perfection 

It is possible to run a successful photography business and be the best parent possible!! I believe in you, and I am here for you! I want you to have the work/life balance you dream of. You are worthy of al ife you love! Go for it, dream big, and have some fun! 


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