High-Level vs Low-Effort Instagram Content | Virtual Assistant For Photographers

A few years ago, if you had asked me how to perfectly use Instagram to build your biz,  I would have told you to make your feed look like a magazine and have really thoughtful captions on everything.

But,  – with experience and data – I’ve changed my mind.

Now, I realize that low-effort content is THE way to consistently post on Instagram (and TikTok) when content creation is not your full-time job. 

I am finally realizing it’s more effective to have content-making be accessible over perfect. 

High-Level vs Low-Effort Instagram Content

Here’s why – 

When you wait for the perfect inspiration to hit you, you rarely post. And social media loves consistency. 

When you know your brand pillars, you can post confidently within those topics, without overthinking/overanalyzing every little detail. 

High-Effort Instagram Content

High-effort content doesn’t usually have a high ROI for photographers. So unless you really ENJOY the process, and have the time to do it- I would approach your social media with more playfulness; focusing on low-effort content. 

Low-Effort Instagram Content

Low-effort content means content you can easily produce within your current lifestyle and limitations. For me? I am busybusybusy these days. If I’m not planted behind my laptop helping photographers effectively run their business, I am hanging out with my toddlers. I often don’t have makeup on, or the brain space to make up a video on the fly. So I have started to post more b-roll videos with text on the top. Or batch creating talking-to-the-camera videos. Using a routine to help it be effortlessly. (I also cycle-sync my content creation but that’s another story! Lmk if you wanna know about that!)

For you, as a photographer, it might be as simple as shooting 7 seconds of BTS at each session. And then translating that into image reveals on your Reels. Or filming yourself editing to educate about your process. 

I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again: low-effort content is when you SHOW yourself working and SHOW your work. Simple as that. You’ve got this!


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