Who Has Main Character Energy? | VA for Photographers

As small business owners, we are so full of hustle+grit+making the magic happen, that sometimes our biggest downfall is that we focus on what we have BUILT. (Which, fuck yah, is impressive). But who has main character energy here? 

I'll tell you who it needs to be:

the person you want to work with.

The client you dream of having in front of your camera.

The client that is going to send you those dreamy inquiry forms that make you internally squeal with delight. 

The client that is going to tRuSt your process. 

The client that will become OBSESSED with their gallery and tag you in every post.

The client that will continue to hire you and hype you.

That beautiful, fantastic, aligned human being... that is who has main character energy in your business.

One of the hardest work we can do is *decenter ourselves*. 

It's counter-intuitive because you're selling YOUR art. Your work. YOU wanna be hired. 

Isn't marketing sharing YOUR offers? What else are you supposed to talk about except what you can do? 

But if you can shift your mindset, (and thus your language), to put that dreamy client center stage- watch what happens. 

Your blog posts will speak to her. 

Your instagram posts will be the ones she stops scrolling to see. 

Your stories will get the DM responses. 

Your inbox will get excited inquiries.

As photographers, you want strong-ass leads. You want the people who BRING THE ENERGY and are hyped to work with you.

This hype is built by authentically connecting with her in the way you speak online.

I bet you have noooo problem vibing with her when she's in front of your camera - so bring that same energy to your copy + content.

If the idea of having a marketing strategy makes you wanna slam the laptop shut, then throw that phrase out the window and just give your dream client some Main Character Energy.


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