How to Do Social Media as a Photographer | Virtual Assistant 

If you've ever sat and stared at an open Instagram post on your phone, photos all ready, but your mind is blank on what to type at that little blank box staring demandingly at you... 

Here are some tips and tricks on how to do social media as a photographer. 

I'm a BIG fan of keeping things simple. 




It's the name of the game when running a high-end, fast-moving business. It's how your keep your sanity. If you're spending 30 minutes (ahem, 2 hours) of your valuable time constructing an IG post, it's just leaving money on the table. You could be connecting with new clients…or taking a nap. 

Getting really clean on your content approach can really simplify everything for you as a photographer.  

Here's a few things I have found to be helpful: 

You Are Not A Content Creator

You don't have to act like one.

If you feel like you don't have your shit together for content- that is okay! Just use the mechanisms we're about to dive into, and you'll be fine. Winging it IS FINE. I promise. You have an absolute wealth of content that most people don't have to work with - so just know you're already ahead of the curve. 

Have Fun With It

People don't need serious, curated content from photographers. It's a relationally-based job that is full of emotion. You don't have to be perfectly streamlined. I'd say to use your branding as a consistent anchor throughout your posts, but you can be silly or goofy or sad or artistic or sarcastic... all the things. 

Organize Your Feed And Batch Your Captions

Use Plann (or something similar) if you want to! It doesn't have to be some big, serious task... but you can easily arrange your feed to look more like a magazine-type layout with intention, and then write all the captions there. I personally find it easier to type things on my laptop than on my phone. I hate how I can't see the whole caption while writing on my phone. 

Don't Be Afraid Of Repetition

We think if we've put it out into the universe, it's been seen. Welp. Algorithms have different opinions. You'll probably have 5-6 core things you talk about over and over and over and over.

I promise you're the only one who's bored with it.

Just share and share and share again. Different angle, same topic. (Maybe same angle, same topic! haha) 

My #1 tip on how to use social media as a photographer is to just simply: show your job. 

When you're working, film BTS. If that's editing at your desk or shooting a wedding. Prepping the studio. Sending out client boxes. 

Soooo many photographers only show their photos. Clients want to see your whole job. If it relates to photography at all, show that. It builds trust, authority and expertise. It rounds you out as a personal brand. Plus you will have good content for reels and tiktoks if you have an easy b-roll. 

Create an album on your phone, film something, and throw it in the album. It'll be there when you're feeling creative again. That way you don't have to manufacture content. 

I hope this helps! If you want help with your captions or any other area of your business, we'd love to come alongside you and help you grow! 


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